Craig has appeared in several shows beginning with a full season of The Inn Chef starring Michael Smith in 1998. In 2001, a documentary style show about the opening of Chives in 2001 called Opening Soon helped launch the restaurant. Other appearances have included Opening Soon: Where are they now?, Chef at Large, Chef at Home, Canada AM, French Food at Home, The Village Feast, You Gotta Eat Here, and Bizarre Foods and Delicious Destinations.
Craig has appeared on CBC Radio One in Halifax frequently since 2002 on shows such as Information Morning and Mainstreet. He has been a regular independent contributor on the popular phone-in show Maritime Noon from 2008 to present, regularly answering cooking questions from CBC listeners in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.
"Cooking locally and seasonally isn't a trend. It's the way it's always been. And this will always be true of great food.
1537 Barrington Street, Halifax , Nova Scotia, Canada B3J 1Z4